I dream of Africa … our Gomo Gomo game drives

Our week of being at these two game lodges has come to an end! We’ve been on 14 game drives and have seen the BIG FIVE many times over! Quite amazing really. I feel as though we gave it enough time and weren’t on “Ferrari Safari” (as the locals call a quick drive through game parks)!

Because we saw pretty much the same animals as we saw over at Shindzela, I have put them all on one post.

There were two female lions, who were not nearly as energetic or well-fed looking as the Shindzela pride. Evidently these two are a break-off from a large pride that has moved away. Elephants, impala, baboons, buffalo, giraffes, zebras, hyenas,  etc. are plentiful everywhere; rhino and hippos not so much over here, but we saw them. We saw a brand new baby buffalo with its mother, but didn’t pursue it to photograph for fear of scaring it. We saw a bush baby last night, but it was moving too quickly and in the dark, so was impossible to photograph. I’ve especially enjoyed looking for different birds and we have now seen the fish, battalia, tawny and marshall eagles; several vultures; hundreds of hoop bills, an endangered Ground Hoopbill,  and many other varieties  whose names I’ve forgotten!! Oops! We saw two leopards, once again at night, and nigh on impossible to photograph as they moved away from us. It was my dream to see one hanging on a tree branch – maybe in Kruger tomorrow?