Little Horse Island, SC

We’ve spent a relaxing week at a lovely rental home on Little Horse Island (part of Saint Helena island SC) near Beaufort and Port Royal.

It is so enjoyable just sitting and watching the marshlands vary with the different light and tide levels; the different birds; and the wild ponies who move around as they graze.

The dogs, Ffly and Kenzie have had a particularly good time both here on the dock and on the nearby beach.

Diane and I went to a quilt show on Hilton Head and I came away with some ideas.

Azalea, rhododendrons, dogwood and wisteria are in full bloom.

One thought on “Little Horse Island, SC

  1. Isn’t it wonderful to experience spring, and absorb the fresh air and nature? I used to visit Jekyll Island and Sea Island, Georgia. These environs restore the soul. Enjoy!

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