We drove around central London atop one of the hop on hop off buses which afforded us views of many of the iconic sights in London – this was the best option being this is Cindy’s first trip to England/London. For me, I never tire of all there is to see in this historic city that is sprouting so many interesting new structures.

We had a delicious lunch at a little Italian restaurant in Covent Garden where we were entertained by talented street musicians.

One of my mother’s sayings was “I need to spend a penny” and I remember the days when you pushed a large copper penny into the slot on a toilet door – those days are long gone!

In the evening we saw Tina (her music and her life) at the Aldwych Theatre. It was absolutely phenomenal and the two leads (Tina and Ike) couldn’t have fit the roles any better. I saw Tina Turner in Germany in the mid-80’s shortly after her solo comeback and this show did not disappoint.

Wow! You are having a phenomenal trip! There is nothing better than touring London with someone who knows the city. Keep sending pictures.
I love the “I need to spend a penny” comment!