Our place is not right on the beach, but just a five minute walk during which Ffly pulls like a sled dog!

The weather has been changeable with intermittent rain and thunderstorms which are quite dramatic. We almost got caught in a gulley-washer yesterday, but got home with just a few drops on us. However, I loved the imagery of the black sky with impending storm and the brightly colored houses.

Otherwise it is just gorgeous, even when a little chillier or windy, to walk the mostly deserted beaches.

We’ve enjoyed visits from a series of friends who have come and spent a night or two with yet several more to come. Hosting in our beach house has been fun!

The neighborhood of Kure beach suits us perfectly with its eclectic style.

I agree, your contrast photos are exquisite . . . and dramatic. When you say your house, do you own a house there or is it like a bed and breakfast? I love the look of the area; reminds me of Dillon Beach in CA. Love the colors of the houses sitting next to each other and the old pick up in front of the turquoise house. Color color color, can always use more color!
Loved visiting with you. You have been most generous with your rental. Ffly is wonderful. I loved seeing her run on the beach. I am doing bed exercises every morning, starting with stiffening my whole body. Thanks for the tip! The hospitality and meals, and SORRY! games were wonderful. Thank you, thank you for sharing your beach rental. Beautiful spot.