Schooner Sail with Peter

We took Peter on a short day sail on Penobscot Bay – his first sailing experience – for his 8th birthday. The most perfect day and conditions for a schooner sail.

He helped hoist the sails and became the Captain’s mate!

A Weekend with the Grands and Greats

Memorial Day weekend spent with the kids – lots of fun and high energy! A huge shoutout to Kat, Ian, Zach and Grandpa for laying the decking on the 12×30′ frame in 5 HOURS! while GG had fun with Colby and Lincoln; and Peter and Greyson spent time with their Aunt McKayla.

McKayla doing what she loves the most.

Fun times and birthday celebrations at camp.

Cooking Indian

What better past time for a dreary, drizzly day than cooking an Indian feast? With Gunjan Gilbert as our teacher, Nan, Lisa, Jeff, and I prepared: samosas, naan bread, lamb keema, cucumber raita, aloo saag, chicken makhani, mint cilantro chutney and fragrant rice!

Winter 2017 recap

Winter will be over by the time we return,  so had to post a few reminders of Winter 2017.

We enjoyed the serenity and beauty of Stevens Pond in early December.

Some very frigid days in December – unusually early for those temps.

The downtown area is always so festive looking with wreaths and lights strung across the streets.


The Annual Polar Dip downtown at the boat launch was relatively balmy – especially for one who didn’t touch the water!! Always fun to watch my crazy friends!



We get out for walks no matter what the conditions! After all, Lucy is a Mainer-girl!


January was pretty uneventful with very little snow. And then … the day before Valentine’s Day Blizzard!




Family Thanksgiving at camp

Our first family gathering – at Thanksgiving – at camp! Plenty of space for the kids to run around, roaring fire, board games, building forts and splitting wood outside, and delicious Thanksgiving dinner.



Having fun with Snapchat!!!


Step by step reaching our goal

We accomplished much with both of us putting in a solid 12-hours of work. The place is now much less like a construction site, but had its first proper cleaning and a major tidying up. Fireplace was installed last week – thanks to friends – and it was oh so pleasant spending the evening with a roaring fire.