Dat my favorite!

A weekend of fun, snuggles, laughs, craziness, high volume with the two little greats! GG was in charge while everyone else went in different directions!

Time at home was spent playing, wearing big brother’s football gear, Pampa’s cav hat, dad’s protective helmet, goofing around, building, snuggling and snuggling.


It was the perfect time of year to visit Alstede Farm in Chester, NJ to pet the animals, have apple cider donuts and check out the pumpkins!

A walk to the neighborhood park …

Meanwhile – Mom and Dad were all cleaned up and enjoying some time together and with friends, minus the fearsome foursome!


2 thoughts on “Dat my favorite!

  1. Please give to Denny for our photo as a family. From front left to right, Robert (Bob) Guthrie, Elaine Guthrie. Back left to right. Brian Guthrie, Susan Schnack, Craig Guthrie, and Robert (Bob) Guthrie Jr.

    Sent from my iPad Elaine


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