A birthday in Venice

The ride from Piazzale Roma via water bus was not too shabby despite gloomy weather.


Dennis spent his 45th birthday here many moons ago, and now for my turn. Typically for the end of November, it was raining and cold, but we made a dash for a local osteria where we enjoyed a glass of wine before going to a nearby trattoria ‘San Toma’ for dinner – perfect on both counts.

2 thoughts on “A birthday in Venice

  1. Happoy birthday, dear one!!!!! So glad to see you had good day and nice meal. what did you order for that birthday meal at San Toma? I wish i good deliver some of my chocolate macrons made this afternoon. they turned out really well. i am going to deliver them to Myrna (apple orchard) tomorrow when i return her basket. I’ll send you a picture from my ipad. love you, Nan


  2. The cookies turned out well. I used Nutella for the filling between the two pieces. Yummy. Here is a picture of them finished:

    Sent from my iPad


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