Across southern Morocco and to the gorges

We visited an underground irrigation system. The following was written up on “A 300 km network of khettara (qanat) subsurface irrigation channels was excavated in the Tafilalt basin beginning in the late 14th century. More than 75 of these chains provided perennial water following the breakup of the ancient city of Sijilmassa. Khettara continued to function for much of the northern oasis until the early 1970s, when new technologies and government policies forced changes.”

We stopped at a local store to dress up like Berbers! And have a hand henna’d.

Once again the scenery was beautiful. We saw many fertile oases with remnants of several hundred year old Kasbahs – and snow in the Atlas Mountains beyond.

We stopped at a rug weaving place.

Todra Gorge measures just 33 feet across in places, but the cliffs are more than 500 feet tall on either side.