Winterbourne Stickland

There are many Winterbournes in this part of (somewhat northern) Dorset – name derives from the Old English “winter” and “burn,” meaning “stream;” thus denoting a stream that dries up in summer.

We are in the middle of Winterbourne Stickland – our cottage has no address other than Rosebud Cottage, The Triangle (which is literally the village green).

Some of the lovely old cottages in this village.

… and the beautiful parish church.

The local pub – closed on Tuesdays😫

Fresh eggs anyone? Who could resist?

After a stroll around the village we took ourselves to Blandford (nearby town) for some delicious fish’n’chips

One thought on “Winterbourne Stickland

  1. Oh so very lovely Chris. Your photography does it justice and makes me feel like I am there. I hope you are having an absolutely wonderful, enchanted time. Thank you for sharing with me. Ananda

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