Into Nova Scotia and Caribou Munroes

We drove back roads on the north or is it east? shores of New Brunswick across into Nova Scotia at Tidnish – what a lovely name! Beautiful scenery along this  route with coastal marshes, tidy farms and homes along the way. A lunch stop in Tatamagamouche was an unexpectedly nice break. Dennis tried the smoked bourbon cherry ice-cream – very yummy!

We reached Caribou Munroes Provincial Park after a drive of a couple of hours. Another beautiful spot with spacious, grassy campsites and long and empty beaches.

On our morning walk along the beach  to the spit jutting into the Northumberland straits we saw about thirty seals bobbing in the water fairly close to shore.

The seafaring town of Pictou is close by and we wandered around there on a very quiet Monday afternoon. Lovely waterfront, but a little sad and depressed for a town that must have been in its hey-day in the 1800s and early 1900s judging by the homes, churches and downtown buildings.