The Life of Ffly

This little girl joined our family on July 11 and has been a joy for the past five weeks and we look forward to many years of fun, play and love with her.

Her former owner shared a couple of photos of Ffly as a pup

She has settled in really well and enjoying her life in Belfast which includes romps in the garden chasing frisbee and balls as well as games on the beach.

..rides in the convertible.

She enjoys visits and games with her cousin Ffin …


.. and she likes her big sister, Lucy, who is now the alpha dog!

2 thoughts on “The Life of Ffly

  1. She looks a lovely fun dog, how could her previous owner give her up? How does Lucy feel about the situation? I feel sorry for her after having been the one and only for so long. I am hanging in here everything is going very slowly, I am not on any treatment. But am having A lot of trouble with reflux. I enjoy your blogs all done extremely well also the photography Cheers for now Lolita


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